LifeShare Service
Through LifeShare, families can offer a safe and nurturing environment for adults with intellectual disabilities (home sharers). LifeShare (also known as host family) is so much more than providing a room in your home. Being a home provider means you’re giving someone with a developmental disability not only a place in your home, but a place in your heart.
People with developmental disabilities are active participants in their communities. They can be athletes, artists, employees, advocates, community volunteers, neighbours and friends. They’re an important part of the community and contribute to the strength of our province. LifeShare helps adults with developmental disabilities, who are 18 and older, live as independently as possible in their communities.
Download the Lifeshare Booklet.
The Family Home program, LifeShare, started in 1984, as part of the Ministry of Community and Social Service’s commitment to provide a range of services for adults 18 and older with intellectual disabilities. Over time, the name of the program changed but the overall goals of LifeShare have remained constant:
Provide adults with developmental disabilities a home-like setting with a sense of family, safety, continuity and security
Promote a high quality of life
Support community involvement, social inclusion, individual choice, independence, rights and responsibilities
There are currently more than 70,000 adults in Ontario with developmental disabilities. As of 2016, approximately 18,000 people with developmental disabilities receive government-funded residential supports:
57% are part of traditional supported group living residences or intensive support residences
34% are part of supported independent living programs or specialized accommodation
9% participate in LifeShare (also known as host family)
Looking for more information? Visit these frequently asked questions.
If you’d like more information about sharing your life with someone, contact Stephanie Moss:
613 - 735 - 0659