Community Living Upper Ottawa Valley894 Pembroke Street West
Pembroke, Ontario K8A 5P8
Phone: 613-735-0659
Fax: 613-735-1373

Being Involved


Our Association is a "grass roots" organization, relying on the contributions of community minded individuals who volunteer their time in various capacities. You can volunteer with Community Living in a number of ways.

Board of Directors: The Board of Directors is comprised of volunteers elected by the members for staggered three year terms. A nominations committee actively seeks interested people with various life experiences to maintain a dynamic Board. Various committees of the Board depend on leadership of volunteers. Learn more about being on our Board of Directors.

Special Projects: Volunteers can also assist us with special projects and events. These are annual events that require less of a commitment, but one that is more focused for the event. Some of our events include: garage sale, golf tournament and craft sale.

Programs and Services: A variety of volunteer opportunities exist to help people with disabilities or to help with strategic planning. Volunteers can become involved in a range of activities such as helping with a new experimental service in the community. They can also become involved with people with disabilities through partnerships in a host of community volunteer opportunities.

Friendship and Social Visiting: In addition, opportunities exist for people in the community to become actively involved in the life of a person with a disability through friendship and social activities. Some people have not had the same opportunities to grow up in the community or with a family; opening your family life to such an individual can be a life enriching experience. All have something to share and everyone benefits from sharing. Friendships happen naturally in the community, sometimes through introductions by our staff and other caring people.

The Ministry of Community, Family and Children's Services requires that we screen and review volunteer applicants and check for criminal offences. This is one way that vulnerable individuals can be protected.