Community Living Upper Ottawa Valley894 Pembroke Street West
Pembroke, Ontario K8A 5P8
Phone: 613-735-0659
Fax: 613-735-1373

Join Our Board of Directors

We are Looking for Board Members!

The Board of Directors is comprised of 11 volunteers who give their time to ensure the optimal functioning of the organization. It is responsible for the governance and accountability of the agency, remaining true to the organization's values and strategic plan.

Skills & Qualifications

We are looking for people who exhibit honesty, integrity, accountability, and commitment to our vision, mission and values. Specific skills and experience that are helpful to us include:

  • Expertise in areas such as law, business, public relations, human resources, finance, marketing or health administration
  • Executive and leadership skills
  • Understanding of the developmental disability sector
  • Fundraising and philanthropy
  • Diversity (including backgrounds, perspectives and problem-solving approaches)

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Maintain focus on the agency’s vision, mission, and values; help achieve strategic priorities and directions; and monitor compliance with established guiding principles and policies.
  • Be accountable to the general public for competent, conscientious and effective accomplishment of its obligations as an organization.
  • Advocate for full community inclusion with other families and our community.
  • Regularly attend Board meetings providing wisdom and insight into items of importance to the future direction of the agency. Occasionally attend community events on behalf of the agency
  • Being and advocate for inclusion and the championing the reduction of attitudinal and physical barriers to inclusion.
  • Be actively engaged in the work of the Board, carrying out specific duties, as required.

Benefits As A Director

Being part of the CLUOV Board of Directors means helping grow our communities for the better. Additional benefits of serving on the Board include:

  • Having an opportunity to work and interact with a committed group of individuals to actively develop and maintain high-quality service for people with developmental disabilities.
  • Being regularly informed on community matters and provincial trends and issues.
  • Receiving regular communication on upcoming events and workshops.
  • Attending provincial training conferences from time to time.
  • Being a change champion in your community.

Click here for our key personnel and current Board of Directors